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Public Service Professorship

Public Service Professorship Request for Proposals
Deadline: January 31, 2022

This significant award is designed to help a faculty member strengthen community-engaged learning experiences and opportunities tied to civic engagement, and also foster stronger partnerships with the local community. It is open to all faculty members at the University of Utah. The prize of $7,500 is made possible due to the generous support of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The funds may be used in any way that enables the recipient to carry out the proposed project, e.g., to reimburse the recipient’s department for release time, pay a research assistant, travel to conferences, and purchase supplies or equipment.


The Bennion Center Public Service Professor for 2022-2023 must:

  • Meet with Bennion Center staff and her/his department chair during the first semester of the project implementation to provide a status report;
  • Present a brief report of the project to colleagues in their department or college prior to the end of the project;
  • Deliver a talk in Spring 2022, as part of the Bennion Center’s “Lunch and Learn” seminar series.
  • Be available for a photo for the gallery of Public Service Professors that is on display in the Union’s fourth-floor hallway.
  • Attend the Bennion Center's Spring Celebration and University Commencement ceremony.

Selection Process:

A committee will review all proposals and select the recipient based on the criteria below. She or he will be notified by February 28, 2022. The 2022-2023 Public Service Professor will be honored at the 2022 Bennion Center’s Spring Celebration and University Commencement ceremony. Attendance is required at both events.

Selection Criteria Include:

  • Project is interdisciplinary, since solutions to social and environmental issues require an integrated approach;
  • Project involves a combination of community-engaged learning classes, research, and community action;
  • Project extends beyond the length of academic semesters and provides long-term community impact;
  • Community partnerships are based on a strong foundation of mutual ownership and commitment and address complex and important community issues;
  • Project articulates the expected learning outcomes for students and the community and a research/evaluation plan for assessment.


Proposals for the Bennion Center Public Service Professorship must include the following items:

  • An abstract of the proposal;
  • A two‑page explanation of how the activities will meet the criteria listed below;
  • A budget summary;
  • A one‑page biographical sketch and a short CV (one to three pages) that highlights only the community-engaged scholarship aspects of the candidate’s scholarly record;
  • A letter of support from the candidate's department chair;
  • Letter(s) of support from community partner representatives demonstrating project need and potential impact.

If you would like feedback on a draft of your proposal, email it to Amy Sibul by January 15, 2022.

When you are ready to apply for the Bennion Center Public Service Professorship, assemble all materials into a single pdf file and email them to Amy Sibul by January 31, 2022.

Submit Application