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Leaves & Retirements

Sabbatical Leave

AY2023-24 Sabbatical Process:

Step 1: Faculty applicants complete the AY2023-24 Sabbatical Leave Application and submit the form to their department chair.*

Step 2: Department chairs review the submitted applications and forward them (along with their ranking and brief explanation of support) to the dean of the college.

Step 3: Each college dean reviews the applications and forwards them (along with their own ranking and brief explanation of support) to the Office for Faculty by December 2, 2022.

Note that department chairs and deans might create earlier internal deadlines for faculty applicants in order to meet the final deadline. Faculty applicants should be cognizant of and meet any internal deadlines.

Step 4: Faculty members who have been awarded a sabbatical will be notified.

Step 5: A faculty member who is awarded a sabbatical completes an AY2023-24 Awarded Sabbatical Compensation Summary and submits the completed form to their department by May 31, 2023.

Step 6: Prior to the start of the 2023-24 fiscal year, Departments submit two separate ePAFs: (1) to adjust the leave status and (2) to adjust the salary and FTE change for the faculty member.

Step 7: Within 90 days of the conclusion of the sabbatical, the faculty member submits a report to both the college dean and the Office for Faculty highlighting the activities they have conducted during their sabbatical leave and the extent to which the purposes of the leave were met.

Note that faculty members on sabbatical receive a salary reduction for the full academic year in which the sabbatical occurs.

*Applications by faculty members holding appointments in more than one department or college “shall be submitted to and be the subject of a recommendation from each cognizant chairperson, dean, and vice president.” (see Policy 6-314)

Click here to access the AY2023-24 Sabbatical Application Forms

Sabbatical Leave Policy

Parental Leave

Parental Leave Form
Faculty Parental Leave Tenure-line (6-315) (Career-line being added 7/1/2021).

Other Leave Form

Faculty Leave Request Form Word  PDF
Leaves of Absence (6-314)