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Home Office for Faculty Websites for FAR System

Websites for FAR System

UIT Service Portal

UIT Website

CIO Website, including IT governance information


Profile Website entry/edit system. Faculty members, instructors, and/or their proxies may maintain websites linked from the public Find a Researcher, the Class Schedule, and the My Classes pagelet in CIS.

Public Find a Researcher
Public search site that allows users to find U of U faculty, graduate students, and other researchers based on research keywords, name, department, international experience, and research equipment/testing capability. Searchable data is pulled from the FAR and Profile Website system.


Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC)
Provides large-scale computer and networking resources (hardware, software, expertise) to facilitate advances in academic disciplines that require computing and network capabilities beyond those in individual colleges, departments, or groups.

Research project proposal submission site that allows you to submit information to the Office of Sponsored Projects. Log into CIS and look for the Research Administration box.

Research Portal
Log into CIS and look for the Research Administration box.

Technology & Venture Commercialization
Facilitates the commercialization of scientific and technical research findings through evaluation, management, protection, and licensing of the U’s intellectual property.


Graduate Student Tracking System
Log in with your uNID and CIS password to update information about graduate students for whom you serve as committee chair or member.

Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE)
Offers classes and workshops on improving teaching with technology, including online teaching, clicker technology, and cyberpedagogy.

Digital Scholarship Lab
Do-it-yourself, hands-on creation of digital scholarship and learning objects to support research, teaching, and learning. Located in the Marriott Library.

Teaching and Learning Technologies
Supports faculty, instructors, and students with technology-enabled course design, development, and delivery services. Located in the Marriott Library.

Profile Website System
The University of Utah Profile Website system provides faculty, instructors, and other employees with standardized, U of U-themed Profile Websites, including an easy-to-use application for updating your information. Whenever possible, your Profile Website is pre-filled with information that is already publicly available, as well as information that you’ve previously selected to display to the public. For example, your courses and university appointment(s) are pre-filled and automatically updated as they change. Selected information from HUMIS, MBM, and the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) is also pre-filled.

To view your Profile Website
• Click your linked name in the Class Schedule -or-
• Go to Find a Researcher and search for yourself by name or keyword -or-
• Go to (where uNID is your uNID, e.g. u0123456)

To update your Profile Website
• Go to and log in using your uNID and CIS password.

Profile Website Application Features
• Clickable picture icons in sections to edit information
• Option to upload a CV for public view. Doing so will not affect the CV associated with the FAR.
• Features are available specifically for web display – photograph, educational information, research summary and statement, biography, affiliations, teaching philosophy, and more.
• Re-namable “Other” sections on selected pages, allowing you to self-title and add information not included in an existing section.
• FAR sections and data elements that are specific to the FAR don’t display on the website – e.g. Summary and Future Plans, Proposals for Sponsored Research, Disclosures.
• Additions and edits made in the Profile Website application will be carried over to the FAR, and vice versa.
• If a web page section has no entries selected to be visible, that section will not display on the website. If an entire page has no entries selected to be visible, that page will not display. No empty sections or pages.
• Websites of faculty members and instructors holding joint appointments in different colleges feature sections and data types from all colleges in which they have appointments.

PROXY – A NEW FEATURE: You may designate others with uNIDS as proxies to update your Profile Website as well as access, update, and submit your FAR (if applicable). In addition, department and college FAR administrators may designate people to have proxy access for an entire department or college.

To designate a proxy for yourself, log into the Profile Website system. At the bottom of the left-side column of tabs you’ll see a section named “Proxy Settings.” Click the (add new entry) icon to the right of “Proxy Settings.” Begin typing the person’s name or uNID, and select the correct name. The chosen proxy may then log into the system using his/her uNID and CIS password, and update your Profile Website (and FAR if applicable).

Faculty Activity Report (FAR)
The Faculty Activity Report (FAR) is an online faculty activity data collection and reporting system for use by University of Utah faculty members, chairs, and deans’ offices. Users may log in to the FAR 24/7/365 using their uNIDs and CIS passwords. The FAR, created by University Information Technology and owned by the University of Utah, is designed to capture faculty activity information for use in a variety of University of Utah applications. The activity categories featured in the FAR correspond roughly to the research, teaching, and service responsibilities. To ensure that the FAR reflects each college’s practices and standards, college leaders choose particular sections and data types to include in their college’s FAR.

PROXY – A NEW FEATURE: Your college may opt in to activate the new proxy feature. If your college opts in, you may designate others with uNIDS as proxies to access, update, and submit your FAR, as well as update your Profile Website. In addition, department and college FAR administrators may designate people to have proxy access for an entire department or college.
To designate a proxy for yourself, log into the FAR. At the bottom of the left-side column of tabs click the “Edit Your Proxy Settings” tab. Begin typing the person’s name or uNID, and select the correct name. The chosen proxy may then log into the system using his/her uNID and CIS password, and update and submit your FAR.

FAR Section Overview
• Appointments/Titles

• Teaching
o Courses
o Teaching Projects
o Graduate Students
o Student Projects
o Additional Teaching Contributions

• Training

• Publications

• Research/Scholarship
o Creative Works
o Grants and Contracts
o Proposals
o Equipment & Non-Research Gifts
o Other Research
o Additional Research Contributions

• Faculty Practice
o Practice History
o Patient/Client Satisfaction

• Intellectual Property
o Patents
o Disclosures
o Copyrights

• Software

• Service
o Professional
o Internal
o Mentoring
o Community Partnerships/Outreach
o Media Exposure
o Additional Service Contributions

• Honors and Awards

• International Experience
o Languages*
o Geographical Regions of Interest*
o International Conferences Attended*
o Teaching Abroad*
o Collegial Time Abroad*

• Summary & Future Plans/Annual Goals

• Find a Researcher
o Research Summary*
o Research Statement*
o Research Keywords*
o Research Equipment & Testing Expertise*
o Public Directory Information*

*public information searchable at the U’s Find a Researcher site.

History of the FAR System
When President Michael Young arrived at the University of Utah, there was no centralized database containing faculty activity information. Campus administrators worked with UIT and the College of Engineering on a pilot project to create an online application to collect, store, and report on faculty data. The College of Engineering first used the FAR to collect 2006 faculty data, and worked with UIT over the subsequent years to improve the application. In 2009 five colleges and one additional department used the FAR for 2008 activity reports; in 2012 all colleges and the Marriott Library had access to the FAR. In August 2012 the AVP for Faculty office assumed management and non-technical support of the system.

FAR Reports
Individual and aggregate FAR data reports and CVs are accessible to college and departmental FAR administrators. Admins with departmental access may run department-level reports; admins with college-wide access may run college and department reports. Aggregate reports are returned as Microsoft Excel (.xls) files.

FAR Reports

Aggregate report types include:
• Appointments/Titles
• Faculty Practice
• Honors & Awards
• Intellectual Property
• International Experience
• Miscellaneous/Adminstrative
• Publications & Presentations
• Research/Scholarship
• Service
• Software
• Teaching
• Training
• All Reports

Admins set parameters for running each report, including
• selecting FAR section(s)
• selecting department(s)
• selecting flags (international, interdisciplinary, community engagement)
• selecting date ranges
• selecting regular, auxiliary, or all faculty

To access individual faculty FARs and CVs, login to FAR Reports – you’ll land in the Aggregate Reports area. Click the INDIVIDUAL FARS link in the tan bar near the top of the webpage.

If your college would like a demo of the FAR Reports system or other FAR-related systems, please contact Heather Call (contact information below).

FAR Self Service

FAR Self Service

For FAR admins. U employees with departmental or college FAR admin access have the ability to perform a range of administrative tasks directly in the system.

FAR Admins may
• give other U employees admin access
• designate department- or college-wide proxy access to faculty FARs and Profile Websites
• set FAR year start and end dates
• and more

Department-level FAR admins have rights to their departmental settings; college-level admins have rights to the college’s settings and all departmental settings within the college.

If your college would like a demo of the FAR Self Service system or other FAR-related systems, please contact Heather Call (contact information below).