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University of Utah Announces Plan to Share Services across Four Academic Units

Four University of Utah colleges will share some administrative services starting in the 2025-26 academic year, according to an announcement Jan. 2 from U President Taylor Randall and Provost Mitzi M. Montoya. The U’s College of Science, College of Humanities, College of Social and Behavioral Science and the School for Cultural and Social Transformation, collectively […]

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Undergraduate research and scholarship


What motivates us to discover and explore new frontiers? What unbroken causal chain connects a child’s boundless curiosity to the focused, but equally insatiable questioning of a trained researcher at the peak of their intellectual prowess? Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? How did it all begin? How will it end? […]

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The endless frontier and the National Science Board


I am pleased with the White House’s announcement that I am being appointed to the National Science Board (NSB), which provides advice and oversight for the National Science Foundation (NSF). In recognition of this honor and responsibility, I have been reflecting on how much the NSF has shaped my career over the past 35 years, and how much I […]

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Building a Connected World

Today’s global economy links us all in deep and important ways. Thanks to instant, inexpensive digital communication, local events can and do have immediate and far-reaching worldwide impacts. At the University of Utah, we believe passionately in building a connected world, one where students from Utah, from across the country and from around the planet […]

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The University’s Academic Prowess


I am delighted to serve as senior vice president for Academic Affairs at the University of Utah, where I have responsibility for the quality of our academic programs and facilities, the success of our faculty and students, and the alignment of campus resources with our priorities and strategic directions. The U is a great public […]

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