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Home Office for Faculty Chair & Dean Resources

Chair & Dean Resources

Academic Leader Lunches
Current Year Information
Past Years Information
Current Academic Leader List

ePaf Process
eForms is the automated approach to submit personnel actions (ePAF) and verify employment eligibility(eI-9) for new hires. It also includes a process for electronic approval routing.
ePaf Overview
ePaf Checklist
HR Process Training
Requirements for Processing Faculty Hires

Tenured Faculty Reviews (TFR)
Tenured Faculty Reviews take place every five years after tenure has been awarded.  University Regulation (6-321) notes the specific requirements.  Please also refer to the department/college guidelines.

Guideline for Implementing new TFR Policy
TFR Guideline Template
Current TFR Guidelines for Departments/Colleges

Retention, Promotion, & Tenure (RPT)
The Retention, Promotion and Tenure process is a review that takes place at specified intervals evaluating a faculty member’s progress since hire. The college or department has specific guidelines regarding the procedures done for each review. The University Regulation (6-303) notes the specific requirements for review.
Retention, Promotion & Tenure Policy
RPT Template
Department/College Standards
eReview Log-in
Sample RPT Documents

Administrative Appointments
Letter Templates

Faculty Handbook
The Faculty Handbook contains links to policies and procedures that apply to faculty appointments at the University of Utah, as well as additional information about the University, its campus, and surroundings that may be of interest to the faculty. The Faculty Handbook provides faculty members with direct links to University policies and other sources of information, many of which are located online on University web pages or are provided by departmental and collegiate administrative offices.

Student Related Resources

Academic Misconduct
“Academic misconduct” includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one’s work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information, as defined further below. It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic misconduct (6-400 ).
Reminder Memo: Academic Misconduct
Academic Misconduct flow chart
Misconduct Letter to Registrar-Template
Outline for Academic Appeals Chair
Academic Misconduct Quick Tips

Academic Performance Information
“Academic action” means the recording of a final grade (including credit/no credit and pass/fail) in a course, on a comprehensive or qualifying examination, on a culminating project, or on a dissertation or thesis. It also includes a decision by the appropriate department or college committee to place a student on academic probation, or to suspend or dismiss a student from an academic program because the student failed to meet the relevant academic standards of the discipline or program. The term “academic action” does not include the decision by a department or program to refuse admission of a student into an academic program. Academic action also does not include academic sanctions imposed for academic misconduct or for professional misconduct (6-400 )

The values held most strongly by the University of Utah community are those of academic freedom and integrity as they are expressed collectively by the colleges and departments as well as individually through research and teaching and as they exist within the wider context of advanced study as commonly understood by all universities. The community also values diversity and respect, without which there can be no collegiality among faculty and students. In addition, the University community values individual rights and freedoms, including the right of each community member to adhere to individual systems of conscience, religion, and ethics. Finally, the University recognizes that with all rights come responsibilities. The University works to uphold its collective values by fostering free speech, broadening fields of inquiry, and encouraging generation of new knowledge that challenges, shapes, and enriches our collective and individual understandings. This Section addresses course content accommodations. Regardless of any accommodation that may be granted, students are responsible for satisfying all academic objectives, requirements and prerequisites as defined by the instructor and by the University. Because the burdens and appropriate criteria are different for scheduling accommodations and content accommodations, granting of one type of accommodation has no bearing on the granting of the other type.
Instruction & Evaluation
Background & Summary
Student Request
Instructor Response

Student records at the University of Utah are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Act forbids the University from releasing personal identifiable student educational records or files, or personal information contained in those files, without the student’s written consent, except in specified situations. The University has established procedures for granting a student’s request for access to his/her records within a reasonable time (no more than 45 days).
Consent to Release Form
Training for Faculty

Community Engaged Scholarship
Assessing and Valuing Community Engaged Scholarship at the University of Utah

Relationship Policy Information
Policy 1-020
Training Slides
Disclosure Form